Easy to Use Time of Day Greeting

Displays a Greeting Based on the Time of Day

You can also include the greeting in the body of the document this . Just don't spend all here.

Javascript by Jenson Crawford

Using the script

There's no code to change, just insert start/end hours and greetings.

This script uses the construction method to dynamically create an array of objects and the length property to determine its size. The script user doesn't have to worry about the number of elements or finding all the locations of specific constants.

Source Code

<script language="JavaScript"><!--

// ********************************************************
// To Use this Script, simply insert the Descriptions and
// URLs below as indicated. 
// That's all there is; no code to change.
// NOTE: use a \ before any ' or " characters that appear 
//       in your descriptions
// ********************************************************

// *********************************************
// Definition of our greeting object and methods
// *********************************************
function greeting(start,end,greet) {  
function greetingToString() {
  return this.greet;
greeting.prototype.toString = greetingToString;

// **************************************
// Definition of an Array of link objects
// **************************************
function greetingArray() {          
  var a = greetingArray.arguments;
  if (a.length%3!=0) {            // Make sure the number of arguments is a mulitple of three
    alert("Can not initialize Greeting Array: Incorrect number of strings");
  else {                          // Loop thru the argments creating link objects
    for (ti=ai=0;ai<a.length;ti++,ai+=3) {
      this[ti]=new greeting(a[ai],a[ai+1],a[ai+2]);

var greetingList = new greetingArray(
  // *****************************************************
  // Place Times and Greetings Here, Separated by Commas
  // Format: start hour, end hour, Greeting
  // NOTE: use a \ before any ' or " characters that appear 
  //       in your Greetings
  // *****************************************************

  // ************************************
  // !NOTE: No Comma after last Greeting!
  // ************************************
// ***********************************
// Function to return correct greeting
// ***********************************
function TODgreeting() {
  var today = new Date();
  var hr = today.getHours();
  for(i=0;i<greetingList.length;i++) {
    if (hr>=greetingList[i].start && hr<=greetingList[i].end) {
      return greetingList[i];
  return "Day"
<!-- ****************************************************************
  -- This is an example of embedding the greeting in the HTML Document
  -- ***************************************************************** -->
You can also include the greeting in the body of the document 
this <script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write(TODgreeting()); // --></script><noscript>day</noscript>.
Just don't spend all <script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write(TODgreeting()); // --></script><noscript>day</noscript> here.

Javascript by Jenson Crawford